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Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day...ROCKS!

Happy 4th of July! I love the fourth. It is always such a fun day to hang out, eat lots of food, and get sunburned. Today we started our festivities by going to the famous parade! It was great, not as hot as usual so we'll take it! Here are my girls with grandpa. He grumbles every year about going to the parade but is always the first one there and this year even wore his fancy dancy shirt that made him look just like a flag! No more parades whatever! He'll be back for more next year NO DOUBT! The girls ate candy and managed to score more than their share of Otter Pops!
Now to the river to play! Here is one of the few pictures that I got because I was chasing this crazy kid around most the day. She is quick as lightening and is never to be trusted near large bodies of water! She played in this little pool all day. In fact, she even almost fell asleep in it but I, being the ever observant mother that I am, picked her up with closed eyelids and took her home. She has been asleep since 6:30. Can't wait until 4:00 this morning!@#*@!

Then there were fireworks!! The kids can't get enough. I love to see their little faces. In fact, the fireworks are still going on. I can hear them outside, but I came home to be with the little sleeper. Trav went back. I hope all of you had a GREAT day. Happy 4th!


Natalie said...

Elise!!! Your blog is the cutest one ever!! I just love the new look, it is so bright and colorful and darling!!!!

We did have a great 4th of July, so glad we decided to stay and enjoy the festivities with you all!

Lauren said...

I miss all of you guys! Uncle Bruce is the best. I still can't believe you have 4 girls! I guess it's looking like all girls for me too so far.

Chelsie said...

Happy 4th!! I have so much fun this weekend! It was good times had by all. Glad you got your blog working after I messed it up! Sorry! See ya soon!

Emily said...

Alright chick-a-dee! Would you update your blog, already?!

Ski Bike Junkie said...

Hey, Elise--you should post to your blog once in a while.

Not sure if the cyclists in your clan will be there, but I'm probably going to be in your neck of the woods for the Mt. Harrison hill climb on Saturday. Come say hello if you can.

Ski Bike Junkie said...

Good to see you Saturday. As I mentioned, I'll be passing through tomorrow (wednesday) on my way back from Salt Lake. Email me your phone number, as I'll try and stop by on my way through. skibikejunkie at gmail dot com.


Garn said...

Atleast I tell people when I am taking a rest from my blog. I was thinking the other day that you and Travis should bring the fam and come to a BYU game sometime. By the way, I am getting more serious about getting into this biking stuff, so ask Travis where I should look for a good entry level bike.