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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saydi and the Racecar

On the last day of school Saydi got to sit in a REAL racecar. She was SOOO excited and even got a Nascar racer's autograph. She had a blast.


Lauren said...

YEA YEA YEA! You have a blog! It's Lauren (Neibaur) Lord. How are you guys!? Your girls have grown up so much and are gorgeous! Our Blog is private so e-mail me at Laurens_way7@hotmail.com so I can send you an invite!

Love Lauren

Garn said...

Cute family Elise. Jodi and I wanted to send you the link to our blog, but didn't have your email address so I searched the blogs for "Elise Anderson" and there you were. You can keep up with us here: cougarsrus.blogspot.com