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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dancing Again....

So another year has ended and for my girls that means that we have 74 end of the year dance recitals, school programs etc! It seems like a marathon some days, but I was bound and determined to take my camera (since I never do!!) and take a few pictures.

Well...okay , could Kassidy really look any more excited???

Alright, this one is a little happier! She was the cutest little flower head, if that is, we could keep the darn flower head piece on. I think in that first picture she may have been suffering from pre preformance bobby pin pain syndrome. I just made that up. She was so darling and her little group stole the show!

This was Saydi! Her group were supposed to be sea creatures of some kind and Saydi LOVED it. She had her own names for her costume which were as follows: A creepy sea dragon, a caucas, and our personal favorite a flying chicken under water. The outfit was much more exciting to her than your traditional tutu. It is so fun to watch her dance because she has SO much personality. What a kid.

And last but not least, here is Jordyn. Probably last because at these dance things she takes off, gets herself ready and I can never seem to find her. Miraculously she always ends up where she should at the right time. I have learned to not stress and catch her when I can. She is way too grown up! She loves dancing and we love to watch her. It was a way fun night.


Emily said...

Great pictures of Kassy! The first one totally captures her as you describe her when it comes to dance recitals, and the second one is darling! Your girls are so cute and it was so fun to watch them dance!! I love those cute girlies!

Chelsie said...

They are so CUTE!!! I can't believe how big everyone is getting! its so amazing! I love that picture of Kassi and I also love that Saydi names her costumes! Right On! Miss you guys! Come visit soon ok? School shopping soon or something.