Favorite Pics

Saturday, May 31, 2008


When I went downstairs yesterday I had no idea that I would find Kendi, once again without clothes, sitting in a sink filled with bubbles. Well, whether I expected it or not there she was. She was completely proud of herself and said, "Mommy, LOOK, bubblies!" I actually kept it quite together. I ran upstairs to get my camera, told her never to do that again, and then had Jordyn clean her up. Great idea right!

And here she is sporting her favorite I just might eat you smile! Gotta love it.


Emily said...

What a kid! Never a dull moment with Kendi around, huh?!

Sarah Stokes said...

Elise I had to laugh because you said here she is -Once again with out clothes in a sink of bubbles- so this happens daily? Put the bubbles away!! You are a crazy lady who is soooo much fun to be around, Kassy looks great in her 1st dance pic. by the way. I am sure it is itchy and pulling and whatever else they say when we stick them in their costumes!

Natalie said...

Too cute Elise!!
I cant believe how big she has gotten!
What a crazy kid!!