Favorite Pics

Friday, May 9, 2008

SO.....this is our crazy family! Travis and I have four girls who are the center of our universe! We or I should mostly say I spend much of my days driving to and from violin, piano, dance, soccer, you name it! These pictures were taken last fall and let me tell you, I was wondering what in the world I was thinking taking my 2 year old along. She was less than cooperative and we spent most of our time trying to bribe her with candy and gum, but mostly grandpa. She loves more than anything to go play and Grandpa's house, so thank heavens that it is just up the street! Travis spends his spare time waterskiing, biking, and golfing in the summer and snow skiing in the winter. There is always something. I love to hang with my girls, teach aerobics, play travel agent, and clean my house! Well, the last one is just necessary. We are so happy and lucky to have each other and to live so close to family and friends.

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